Painting With My Muse ...

You simply can't be your optimal best creatively unless you consult with your Muse. I always bring an offering of dark chocolate ...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I was noticing the past few days, more than usual, that I am don't take time to do enough of the small things that bring me great joy.  Like right now while sitting at my laptop I notice I haven't listened to any music all day so I went to iTunes and put on some nice background classical music ... it doesn't distract me and feeds my soul.  So simple yet I get caught up in doing ... instead of remembering I am a being not a doing.  
I just moved the vase filled with gorgeous home grown roses friends brought me this weekend to the table where I am so I can enjoy them.  They aren't really fragrant but they sure are beautiful so they can feed me with visual beauty.  Something so easy to do yet if I hadn't been made conscious of it I probably wouldn't have noticed them and they wouldn't have been part of my day.  What a waste that would have been of beauty right in front of me going unappreciated!
Even lighting fragrant candles to add ambience make things more special, holy, romantic, making it an occasion  and honoring the day and the moment.
Being grateful and writing down lists of things I'm grateful for show me how extraordinary my life really is.  I tend to get hung up in the details and the to do lists ... I'm opening a new box of crayons and while they are pristine and still sharp I will write myself a list of things to do that feed my soul ... I will ask my inner child what she has been wanting to do for ever so long and honor her wishes.  
Think that is a big part of it, honoring ourself and staying present to what we need and what we want.  Women are usually taking care of everyone else first and then if there is any time left over ... we might use it for ourself.  We over extend ourselves with commitments and then get stressed trying to do what sometimes feels impossible.  We get worn out because we don't feed ourselves with what makes us joyful.
I am going to make it a priority to have more fun, take time for a walk, more time to paint, time to do some soul searching and get to know myself better.  Have a tea party for two ... me and my muse.  She is so wise and so much fun it is a win win investment of time.  
I'm going to promise myself I will protect my joy, nurture and grow it and not let other things steal my joy or make me feel like I don't have time for joy.  I don't have time not to feel my joy.  Life is short and we need to invest our time in the important things of life like the people we love, enjoying the activities that feed us, jumping into new adventures, and expressing our creativity.  I am going to create beauty in more moments of my life and try to stay conscious and present on a regular basis.  I want to be present for my life and to celebrate it and everything that brings me joy!!!!   You life can hold a lot of joy ... and then you can let it flow out into the world and let it be contagious like giggles ... at a very inappropriate time or place.  You know you can’t stifle them!